School Information

New Manchester Elementary School serves approximately 300 students in grades PreK-4th.  Our mission statement "It Takes a Team to Educate a Child" expresses our belief that educating students is a team effort.  We are committed to working cooperatively with our students, parents, and community to ensure all students achieve success.  With the assistance of our PTA and our Business Partner in Education, Newbrough Photo, we will help students to develop responsibility and help them to become self-directed, life long learners.  By incorporating a variety of instructional strategies to enhance the Next Generation Common Core Standards, we strive for our students to become productive members of a global society.  In providing these opportunities, we foster the belief that "All Students Achieve".

NMES Mission Statement

School Goals

NMES Core Belief

Sending a Note to School


Enrollment Forms

Dental Forms

Physical Forms

Health Care Information Form

Immunization Requirements

Important Information

New Manchester Elementary School utilizes the STAR program to progress monitor and benchmark student academic progress in Reading/ELA and Math throughout the year. Students will be assessed during the following times:

Beginning of the Year Benchmark (BOY) 8/23 - 9/29/2023
Middle of the Year Benchmark (MOY) 1/2 - 1318/2024
End of the Year Benchmark (EOY) 5/1 - 6/4/2024